Singing Guide: Wolf Alice
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
Wolf Alice is a talented British band known for blending grunge, folk, and indie rock influences into their unique sound. The lead singer of the group, Ellie Rowsell, has a distinctive voice that sets her apart from other artists. In this article, we will explore how to learn to sing like Ellie Rowsell and some of the techniques she uses in her music.
One of the most notable aspects of Ellie Rowsell's voice is her ability to balance power with a delicate tone. She often sings in a soft, almost whisper-like style before unleashing raw power in the chorus. To achieve this balance, it is important to work on breath control and control the pressure of the air traveling out of your body. The "Farinelli Breathing" exercise is a great way to start, as shown in this video provided by Singing Carrots.
Another key technique Ellie Rowsell uses is vocal distortion and growling, which can be seen in songs like "Yuk Foo." To learn how to execute this technique properly, you can use Singing Carrots' provided video on how to growl. It is important to develop good vocal health habits when practicing these techniques, which can be found in this vocal health article from Singing Carrots.
Ellie Rowsell's vocal range is also noteworthy. She is known for shifting between chest voice and falsetto with ease, showcasing a mixed voice which can be difficult for many singers. Some exercises on how to reinforce chest voice and move from chest voice to head voice can be found in Singing Comfort Zone and Mixed Voice, provided by Singing Carrots.
To learn more about Ellie Rowsell's unique style, it can be beneficial to study Wolf Alice's discography. Some songs that particularly highlight Rowsell's vocal techniques are "Moaning Lisa Smile", "Bros", "Silk", and "Heavenward."
Finally, to optimize your vocal range, it is important to find songs that match your vocal range and try to sing along with them. Singing Carrots' vocal range test and search songs tools can help you find new songs and test your range.
In conclusion, learning to sing like Ellie Rowsell takes time and practice of breath control, chest to falsetto transition, and vocal distortion while preserving vocal health. With Singing Carrots' resources and some dedication, you can begin to develop your own unique style, inspired by Ellie Rowsell's abilities.